Need AC Repair In Davis, Weber, or Box Elder Counties in Utah?

How Do I Know I Need An AC Repair?

Your home comfort system will give you signs that it needs attention. Look for the following signs that you need a heating or AC repair:


If your furnace, heat pump, air conditioner, or ductless system is emitting odors, don’t delay. Our customers report everything from sulfuric or chemical smells, too hot or burning smells. Many are harmless, and it’s normal to experience certain smells when a system is used for the first time after idling. However, it’s important to troubleshoot your system if it’s emitting odors.

Patchy Temperatures

It’s normal that different areas of your house feel slightly different in temperature. Normally, this is caused by changes in the sun exposure, opening and closing of doors and windows, and changes in activity. However, if areas of your home feel constantly uncomfortable, too hot or too cold, your system isn’t doing its job. We can help.


Your house will emit a lot of strange noises that go bump in the night.The important thing is to identify the source. If you suspect that any component of your HVAC system is responsible for knocks, clunks, or grinding sounds, let us know.

Changes In Function

Your HVAC system shouldn’t turn on and off constantly, turn on and then stop abruptly, take a long time to turn on after thermostat adjustments, or give you any other trouble. If your system is unresponsive for periods of time, never stops running, or doesn’t reach the designated temperatures, we’ll investigate the cause.


Leaks of air, other gases, or moisture can be problematic for an HVAC system. Leaky ducts can cause your system to overwork, cycle too frequently, and overuse power to your home. However, moisture leaks, drips, or signs of ice could indicate issues with your air condenser or other sensitive system components.

Loss Of Function

If your heating or air conditioning system fails to turn on or respond to commands from your thermostat, it’s time to call the pros. We can help you determine what’s going on and repair your system fast.

Be Proactive About HVAC Repair

Your HVAC system is an invisible assistant, helping your home feel cool all summer and cozy all winter. This major piece of your home comfort puzzle also helps to eliminate airborne toxins and pollutants, regulate your home’s humidity, and keep your family safe, healthy, and happy.

We know that Utah families also care about the environment, energy efficiency, and — yes — keeping things affordable. We’ll ensure the fairest price for the level of service we provide, offer savings in every season, and we can even help you secure rebates or financing options if you choose to replace your system.

If you don’t choose to proactively repair (and maintain!) your HVAC system now, you could encounter much more costly repairs, an emergency replacement, and a whole lot of discomfort. That’s not meant to scare you — it’s a reminder to invest wisely in someone you can trust.

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